
The Egyptian Plastic Institute
EPEMA succeeded in 2012 to establish the real concept of the House of Experts in the form of an Educational, Training and Consultancy specialized institute “The Egyptian Plastic Institute” which operates under our full supervision through recruiting a professional technical team capable to achieve what we plan to the Plastic Manufacturers
Voice of Plastic industry
EPEMA is the voice of Plastic industry in Egypt, the only association dealing exclusively with plastic industry.
EPEMA promotes the role and value of Plastic industry and products to decision-makers and opinion leaders.
EPEMA defends the specific interests of the industry, and members by understanding and provide solutions to members’ needs.
EPEMA builds coalitions with other business associations, strengthening representation, building networks, and enhancing information flows.
EPEMA provides value for membership fees through provision of high-quality services, information on key Egyptian regulatory and policy developments.
EPEMA defends Plastic items and Plastic products from unwarranted criticism by press and media or activist groups through provision of specific support services to Members.
EPI operates under 3 main lines of business

3 years of technical education, accepting students following the preparatory stage by studying a well prepared technical material accredited by the Ministry of Education and set by local/Foreign specialists to ensure introducing high calibers to the market , it is worth to be stressed that all students will be exposed to an ON JOB TRAINING through the 3 years of study as an obligatory program satisfactory productivity

Being one of the main issues that should be always following the rapid growth in the industrial technology and matching with our total believe that Manpower is the main asset for companies we thought of having this unit as a must to keep maintaining employees talents and capabilities by offering a well structured training packages in all fields namely "Technical , soft skills, safety, health " .as we believe that these fields should by under the full interest of companies' Top Management.

It is well known that during the production process plenty of factories faces some issues that negatively affects the final production due to several reasons one of which might be a technical issue and here comes our role to assist in solving the problem through our specialized technical team that have the solution..
The Egyptian Plastic Institute